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New Awakenings in America

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Site Admin


As I sit here in my home office looking out at so many beautiful plants just beginning their gorgeous annual blooming ritual, I am reminded of the new awakening we Americans are experiencing. Americans have a long history of pulling together when needed, from 9/11 to numerous world military conflicts and now to the global COVID-19 virus pandemic. Amid the drumbeat of constant bad news these days there are also many good things happening–one just has to look around a little.

Here are a few examples:

  • Locally, Parkdale Mills and Beverly Knits, both headquartered in Gastonia, are combining efforts to produce masks instead of underwear.
  • Across the country, local breweries and distillers along with big ones such as Anheuser-Busch and Pernod Richard USA are shifting to produce hand sanitizer instead of beer or liquor, and often for free.
  • General Motors, Tesla and Ford are rapidly getting up to speed in the production of ventilators.
  • Many restaurants are offering free food to school-age children.
  • Grocery store employees are restocking shelves every night, and the stores are opening early exclusively for the elderly who are most at risk.
  • Doctors and other healthcare professionals are putting themselves in harm’s way to work long hours in the service of those who need medical attention, often while being isolated from their own families.
  • Neighbors are shopping for and helping elderly neighbors.
  • Cruise lines and hotels are converting unused beds to makeshift hospitals.
  • NBA players and other athletes are paying the salaries of arena workers.

Even our politicians seem to have concluded that it can be advantageous to actually work together for the benefit of the citizens of America.

We are Americans. We are strong and resilient, and faced with a daunting challenge, we have a long history of pulling together. As Ronald Reagan said, we will be “prouder, stronger, better” after doing whatever is needed to win this battle and win it we undoubtedly will. Betting against the collective ingenuity, productivity and resolve of Americans has always been a bad bet. This time will be no different.

As always, we are here for our clients to listen, talk and guide you so that you and your families can focus on your health and safety. Please do not hesitate to contact us if you have any questions or concerns.

Securities offered through Triad Advisors, LLC, member FINRA/SPIC. Advisory services offered through TriCapital Wealth Management, Inc. TriCapital Wealth Management, Inc. is not affiliated with Triad Advisors, LLC.

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