TriCapital Wealth Management
Origin of the TriCapital Name
We chose the name TriCapital Wealth Management because we believe every person’s total Capital (money) is divided into three categories: Lifestyle Capital, the capital we use to meet our family’s needs during our lifetime; Community Capital, the capital we use to help our community through both voluntary (charity) and involuntary (taxes) giving; and Legacy Capital, the capital we leave behind after we’re gone.
At TriCapital, we seek to understand our clients’ priorities, dreams and goals for each type of their capital, design a plan to accomplish those priorities, and then implement that plan and regularly evaluate progress.
Why TriCapital was Formed
Our Fiduciary Commitment
TriCapital Wealth Management, Inc. was formed in 1999 by Randy White with a commitment to bringing fresh insight along with experienced counsel to the task of wealth planning and management. The foundation of the new firm was for our success to result solely from our ability to help our clients work towards building their wealth and potentially achieving their goals. That can best be accomplished if our allegiance is solely to the client’s best interest.
TriCapital Wealth Management, Inc. was formed as a registered investment advisor firm from day one. Registered investment advisors have a fiduciary duty to put their clients’ interests first ahead of all other interests. This higher level of responsibility is a natural part of the relationship we enjoy with every client.
As a result, every client benefits from receiving customized solutions in a setting that places our relationship with them above all else. This, we believe, is what successful, goal-oriented people are looking for and what will give them a foundation from which to consistently work towards building their wealth through well-chosen, sensible investments, and sound financial management.
"In forming TriCapital, a foundational element was to form a wealth management company that was fully independent and free of any biases that may come with narrow expertise or handling only certain products. TriCapital has been an independent fiduciary since the first day we opened and our focus on our clients’ best interest has enabled us to guide them in developing confidence their wealth management plans will be successful."
— Randall E. White, CFP®, RICP®, CRPC®, CMFC® | President & Founder
Our Team
We believe that the depth of experience, training and credentials of our employees is unsurpassed. Each of our staff that participate in the development of client strategies are Certified Financial Planner ™ practitioners and have at minimum an undergraduate degree from a major university. In addition, each of our staff is required to undergo additional training annually in order to stay informed of new developments.
Randall E. White
President & Founder
Randall (Randy) E. White, CFP®, RICP®, CRPC®, CMFC®, is president and founder of TriCapital Wealth Management, Inc., a registered investment advisor and…
Cindy Reninger, CFP®
Prior to joining Randy at TriCapital Wealth Management, Inc. in September of 1999, Cindy worked in the financial services industry for 3 years as a…
Sharai Polite
Sharai is a transplant from Washington State. She comes from the healthcare industry and has over 15 years in customer service…
Brian Dalton
Senior Financial Planning Associate
Before joining TriCapital Wealth Management, Brian worked as a financial planner at Vanguard for 5 years where he worked with individuals and families on achieving their financial goals…
William Smith
With over 7 years of comprehensive experience in accounting, specializing in individual taxes, small business owners, and high-net-worth individuals, Will has recently…
Build Your Wealth for Life
We offer a complimentary “Get Acquainted” meeting to learn about your goals and see if our services are right for you.