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Tricapital Blog

Discover practical approaches to financial planning, investment strategies, retirement planning, and more. 

Randall E. White

TIPS FOR LEGAL PROTECTIONS AND GREATER PEACE OF MIND We find ourselves in the season of celebration for high school graduates, and it’s a time when many families are filled with both excitement and anticipation as their children embark on their college journeys. While this new chapter is filled with

Randall E. White

UNLOCKING THE MANY BENEFITS OF PHILANTHROPY Charitable giving has long been recognized as a noble act of kindness and generosity, benefiting those in need. However, what many people may not realize is that charitable giving also holds tremendous benefits for the givers themselves. In this article, we will explore five

Randall E. White

BALANCING MULTI-GENERATIONAL FINANCIAL RESPONSIBILITIES WITH YOUR OWN WELL-BEING If you’re a member of the sandwich generation, you face the unique challenge of managing the financial demands of raising children and caring for aging parents simultaneously. These can be overwhelming responsibilities that require careful planning and smart financial decisions. Below, we

Randall E. White

STRATEGIES TO ESTABLISH A SMOOTH TRANSFER OF WEALTH Preparing your heirs for an inheritance is an important task that requires careful planning and thoughtful communication. While the idea of inheriting a significant amount of wealth appeals to most people, it can also be overwhelming and even daunting. As such, it’s

Randall E. White

UNDERSTANDING ELIGIBILITY, BENEFITS CALCULATION, AND MORE Losing a loved one is never easy. Not only can it be emotionally, mentally, and physically draining, but it can be financially draining, too – especially if the deceased was the primary breadwinner in your household. However, if your loved one was receiving Social

Randall E. White

SECURE YOUR ESTATE PLANS WHILE MAXIMIZING YOUR FUTURE FINANCIAL SECURITY Retirement is a time when many people begin to think more seriously about their legacy and what they want to leave behind for their loved ones. Life insurance can be a crucial part of that legacy, as it allows you


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