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Tricapital Blog

Discover practical approaches to financial planning, investment strategies, retirement planning, and more. 

Randall E. White

LEARN MORE ABOUT A VALUABLE MEASURE OF YOUR FINANCIAL HEALTH Choosing to leave an inheritance to your children will greatly impact your retirement planning. You will need to adjust the amount you save, which retirement plans you choose and how you’ll take your distributions from them. However, the decision to

Randall E. White

HOW THE PATH ACT OF 2015 REMOVED THE GUESSING GAME AND CREATED MORE FLEXIBILITY FOR RETIREES An Introduction to the Qualified Charitable Distribution For years, the rules surrounding the ability to utilize a tax-free Qualified Charitable Distribution (QCD) directly from your IRA to a non-profit were on-again, off-again. The rules

Randall E. White

SIX STRATEGIES FOR MAKING GOOD DECISIONS IN DIFFICULT TIMES Even the most thorough planner among us will sometimes be caught off-guard by life circumstances we simply could not foresee. When this happens, we often find ourselves at the crossroads of a major life transition, and it can be both challenging

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The latest three-month returns in the U.S. and international stock markets can be viewed with two very different attitudes. The first is that many indices (though not all) produced a loss for the quarter, and where there were gains, they tended to be very small. On the other hand, the

Randall E. White

SO, YOU’VE DECIDED TO HIRE A FINANCIAL ADVISOR. CONGRATULATIONS! STUDIES SHOW A GOOD FINANCIAL ADVISOR CAN INCREASE INVESTOR RETURNS BY 3.75% ANNUALLY. A financial advisor can bring knowledge and expertise to financial areas and help you create overall investment strategies. They can help reach your retirement goals, minimize taxes, and

Randall E. White

TAKING ADVANTAGE OF EMPLOYER MATCHES AND PRE-TAX SAVINGS Chances are if you are reading this article you are at least thinking about your retirement, or more specifically, your retirement savings. Or lack thereof. What some people don’t realize or take advantage of, especially if they are working in a mid-size


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